Support Fallbrook High Schools

Measure BB will support all local students by:

  • Providing classrooms, facilities and technology needed to support high-quality instruction in math, science, engineering and technology

  • Repairing or replacing deteriorating roofs, plumbing, heating & ventilation, gas lines, sewer lines and electrical systems where needed

  • Upgrading and repairing physical education and sports facilities to support student health and safety

  • Keeping computer systems and instructional technology up to date

  • Creating modern, multi-use classrooms to support hands-on science instruction as well as health science, AG science, robotics and skilled trades programs


Measure BB needs a 55% YES vote in order to pass – so every vote makes a difference! Local students are counting on us to support our local high schools. Join us in passing Measure BB for better Fallbrook High Schools and Facilities!



Get a Lawn Sign

Mark Your Calendar


Election Date: November 5, 2024

Look for Your Ballot: Week of October 7, 2024

Voter Registration: You can register to vote by visiting

Ballots Are Due: Ballots must be postmarked by November 5, 2024

By November 5th, vote YES on BB
Support Our Local High Schools!