Frequently Asked Questions About Measure BB

  • Measure BB will provide dedicated, locally controlled funding to repair and improve Fallbrook Union High School District (FUHSD) high schools and facilities to meet current safety and academic standards. All funds generated by Measure BB must be used in our local high schools and cannot be taken by the state.

  • FUHSD is always striving to provide a well-rounded education to students in the greater Fallbrook community, preparing them to excel in college and in-demand careers. However, many facilities and classrooms are aging and need repairs and updates in order to keep students safe and meet current educational expectations.

  • Fallbrook High School was built nearly 70 years ago, and it and other district facilities are in need of major repairs. Over the past two years, FUHSD completed a comprehensive assessment of FUHSD facilities and developed a Facility Master Plan to prioritize facility repairs and upgrades. Classrooms and labs need to be modernized with updated academic technology to ensure students are prepared for college and careers. Basic repairs such as fixing deteriorating roofs, plumbing, sewer, heating, ventilation and electrical systems are needed. Aging facilities need to be upgraded to meet current academic, ADA, and safety standards including removing hazardous materials such as lead pipes and asbestos that were used at the time of construction. Student safety is a top priority, and improvements are needed to ensure schools and facilities meet current safety standards.

  • Voting Yes on BB will:

    • Provide classrooms, facilities and technology needed to support high-quality instruction in math, science, engineering and technology

    • Repair or replace deteriorating roofs, plumbing, heating & ventilation, gas lines, sewer lines and electrical systems where needed

    • Upgrade and repair physical education and sports facilities to support student health and safety

    • Keep computer systems and instructional technology up to date

    • Create modern, multi-use classrooms to support hands-on science instruction as well as health science, AG science, robotics and skilled trades programs

  • Measure BB includes strict mandatory accountability requirements that ensure the funds are spent as promised, including:

    • All Measure BB funds will benefit local high schools and other FUHSD facilities and cannot be taken away by Sacramento

    • Independent citizens’ oversight and annual audits are required

    • Money cannot be used for salaries or pensions

  • The Citizens’ Oversight Committee is provided with reports on construction progress and costs and receives and reviews Annual Performance and Financial Audits. The committee must prepare and publish an Annual Report, which are posted on the District website simliar to Bond Measure AA.

  • CA Education Code Sections 15264-15282 contain provisions ensuring public oversight and accountability of bond revenue expenditures. The Board of Education is required to appoint a Citizens’ Oversight Committee. The committee is charged with reviewing and reporting on the proper expenditure of taxpayers’ money for school construction, and reporting their findings to the public. Meetings are open to the public. Meeting agendas and minutes are posted on the district’s website. 

  • Fallbrook Union High School District currently has an active Citizens’ Oversight Committee overseeing the expenditures of Measure AA, which was passed in 2016. The reports from the committee, along with Financial and Performance Audits, project information, and meeting materials, can be found here on the FUHSD website.

  • By law, the committee must consist of a minimum of seven members with five requirements:

    • One member active in a business organization representing the business community located within the district.

    • One member active in a senior citizens’ organization.

    • One member active in a bona fide taxpayers’ organization.

    • One member who is the parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the district.

    • One member who is both a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the district and active in a parent-teacher organization.

    • The remaining two members are “at large” community positions.

    Committee members serve a two-year term and represent a variety of interests.

  • No. By law, no funds from Measure BB may be used for operating expenses, including administrator salaries and pensions. Funds may only be used to repair and upgrade our local high schools and facilities.

  • Yes. All funds will stay local to improve Fallbrook high schools and facilities. No funds could be taken away by the State or go to other communities.

  • Yes, FUHSD worked with parents, teachers and community members to carefully assess the condition of school facilities. The Board of Trustees has approved a detailed Facilities Master Plan that identifies the specific projects with cost estimates that would be completed if Measure BB is approved by local voters. The Facilities Master Plan is available to review here.

  • Yes. In 2016, local voters passed Measure AA which provided funding to build a new CTE building (Career Technical Education) and a new ATP building (Adult Transition Program), modernize the FHS library, and completion of an outdoor amphitheater with shade for students. Additionally, Measure AA provided funding to update fire alarm systems, replace HVAC systems in some buildings and security fencing. Measure BB will allow FUHSD to focus on projects in Phase 2 of the Master Facilities Plan.

  • Yes. Funds from Measure BB could be used to help Fallbrook Union High School District compete for state matching funds that would otherwise go to other districts and communities.

  • Measure BB will generate $56 million in locally controlled funding for repairs and updates to Fallbrook high schools and facilities and will cost homeowners approximately $24 per $100,000 of a property’s assessed value (not market value) – about $126 per year for the typical homeowner in Fallbrook. 

    A property assessed at $500,000 will pay $120 per year, or $10 per month. The assessed value of a property is based on the price one paid for their home, with no more than a 2% increase each year. Typically, the longer a home has been owned, the lower the assessed value because it is based on the original purchase price.

  • Whether or not you have school-age children, supporting local schools is a wise investment that improves our property values and local quality of life. Additionally, several of our facilities – Performing Arts Center and athletic facilities – are used throughout the year by community members. 

  • By state law, no exemptions may be provided for bond measures. However, the total cost of bond measures is based on the assessed value of a home, not the market value. The longer a home has been owned, the lower the assessed value because it is based on the original purchase price. Typically, older homeowners who have owned their homes the longest pay the least for bond measures.

  • All registered voters residing within Fallbrook Union High School District are eligible to vote on Measure BB. To be approved, a bond measure requires “YES” votes from 55% of the votes cast on the measure.

  • Measure BB will be on the November 5, 2024 ballot. Whether or not you normally vote at the polls, all registered voters living in San Diego County will be mailed a ballot the week of October 7. Once you receive your ballot, vote YES on BB, sign and seal the envelope and mail it back right away. No postage is required. Mail ballots must be postmarked by November 5, 2024.

  • You can register to vote at www.registertovote.ca.gov. To find out more about voting in this election, please contact the San Diego County Registrar of Voters at (858) 565-5800 or visit www.sdvote.com

  • Our campaign is a grassroots organization of parents, teachers and other community leaders dedicated to passing Measure BB for local students and our community. Some ways you can help pass Measure BB include volunteering some time to spread the word about Measure BB, displaying a Yes on BB lawn sign at your home or adding your name to our list of Measure BB supporters!