About Measure BB

Vote YES on BB for Better Fallbrook High Schools & Facilities

Vote YES on Measure BB to repair and update Fallbrook High School, Ivy High School and Oasis High School and other school facilities to serve local high school students and our community for decades to come.

Fallbrook High School was built nearly 70 years ago and many of the classrooms, science labs and facilities haven’t been upgraded in 25 years. Some classrooms and facilities do not meet current building codes and infrastructure is starting to fail. Portions of our school aren’t accessible for students with disabilities. Measure BB will help fix these problems.

Look inside your Voter Guide!

“There are taxes we pay everyday at the gas pump, at the store, and on April 15. Often we don’t know how those dollars are used or where they are spent. When we vote for a school bond, we decide where our money goes. We know what the dollars will build, and we know that they will be used right here in Fallbrook. We make the choice, and we can see the benefits.”

— Terry Decker

Measure BB will complete basic repairs and upgrades to high school classrooms and facilities to meet modern academic and safety standards.  

Voting Yes on BB will:

  • Provide classrooms, facilities and technology needed to support high-quality instruction in math, science, engineering and technology

  • Repair or replace deteriorating roofs, plumbing, heating & ventilation, gas lines, sewer lines and electrical systems where needed

  • Upgrade and repair physical education and sports facilities to support student health and safety

  • Keep computer systems and instructional technology up to date

  • Create modern, multi-use classrooms to support hands-on science instruction as well as health science, AG science, robotics and skilled trades programs

Measure BB requires strict accountability:

  • All Measure BB funds will benefit local high schools and other FUHSD facilities and cannot be taken away by Sacramento

  • Independent citizens’ oversight and annual audits are required

  • Money cannot be used for salaries or pensions

Measure BB meets the strict criteria required by the San Diego County Taxpayers Association and has earned their endorsement. 

Measure BB will allow our schools to qualify for millions in state matching funds that would otherwise go to other schools.  

Please join parents, teachers, seniors, elected and business leaders and the San Diego County Taxpayers Association in supporting Measure BB!

Even if you don’t have school-age children, improving local schools is a wise investment.

Good schools protect our quality of life and home values.